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Thursday 19 April 2012

Bodily Health 1

Fat Sick and Nearly Dead!

Last night I watched the film by Joe Cross called "Fat sick and nearly dead".
I can really recommend this film to all YAHUWans (Followers of YAHUW). This just proves that what our Father Creator has made as food is what is best for us. We need the wholesome nutrition of His created food. Someone once said to me we should only eat stuff that has a single ingredient like Apple, ingredient : Apple. This way we make sure we are not consuming any contamination. It is logically important to eat organic grown food but if you can't lay your hands on organic then just eat the fruit, vegetables, grains, nuts, seeds and meats from the best source you can get. It is still way better than processed junk.
Check out the link below and get the film. It is also a very motivating film for obese people and teaches good general health principles. Note how many people actually admit being in bondage (addicted) to the processed stuff.

What does The Word of YAHUWAH teach?

Firstly we find the first food instructions right in the beginning: 1 MoshAH.

"The earth brought forth green life, ...." 1 MoshAH 1: 12. Green life or photosynthesis is the one thing that produces free oxygen, necessary for all aerobic animals and man to live. It is also a very crucial component needed to keep our bodies healthy and provide essential nutrition. It is a very unique process whereby the sun's energy is converted and stored for consumption by many life forms on Eartz.

The Basics:

Primary food. (most probably 80%)
"Then Almighty Eternal Loving YA of All Creation commanded them, 'Listen especially to this! I have given for you to eat every seed yielding herbs, vegetables and grains which is on the surface of the Eartz and every tree which bears fruit and its seeds. These are to be your primary foods."1 MoshAH 1:29.
Secondary food. (most probably 20%)
"And every grass, herb, nuts or grain eating animal on the Eartz, and every grain eating bird, and everything that walks on Eartz that eats grains, roots and green plants and every green plant in which there is strength for your life, all these I have given to you for FOOD." 1 MoshAH 1:30.

Just a short comment, please note the word FOOD. Only what was created by YAHUWAH is considered food. Not modified, pumped up and processed stuff. Dead and stripped of almost all nutrients and added products that pose serious health risks to humans and animals.
This is a very basic instruction in the Commandments of YAHUWAH, "You must not make or consume any contamination, nor make any image to worship, ..." 1 MoshAH 2:5. Contamination is not just restricted to our bodies but also applies to our spirit and mind. More about that later under "Spiritual health".

These were the basic commands. I will teach further on the more specific applications of this basics in the next posts on "Bodily Health" There is specific animals that is not considered to be healthy for us due to them being contaminated. There is certain plants that can be used for medicine, a exercise program ext. More exciting discoveries in the Great WORD of YAHUWAH later.