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What was the three things YAHUWAH teached AHdam?

"First, teach your children the importance of MY NAME, for without it, they will be blind to the true Covenant of Life.
Second, let everything be done in AhabiYA of YAHUWAH.
Thirdly, be Nazar Bereith (Covenant Keepers) and walk in My Eternal Covenant of Life. Walk in YAHUW YashUW AhabiUW (Selfless love of YAHUW the Savior)."
1 MoshAH 2:12 (Bara-Esh-YA) Genesis.

Born to be Free!

"Let no unbelieving man ever put you under his subjection" TitUW 2:15. (The Crown is YAHUW - sn Titus)
"You were bought with a price, so do not become bond servants of men. You are to be free man, as YAHUWAH has redeemed you to be." I CorinthiYAns 7:23.

Check everything out

"Test all things and hold firmly that which is good. Abstain from every form of evil"
1 ThessalonikiYAns 5:21-22

What was the Words spoken by our Savior on the execution pole?
"EliYAH, EliYAH, lama shabach-thaniYA." That is "My Almighty Loving YAH. My Almighty Loving YAH. Now I will fulfill The Promise of YA to our beloved" MarkUW 15:34.

His Word is PERFECT
"YAHUWAH's Word is perfect, restoring life to the mind. YAHUWAH's testimony is sure, making the simple wise." TehaleYAim 19:7 (Praises to YA) Psalms.

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