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Covenant Marriage. (1)

Marriage is one thing that was the design and institution of YAHUWAH! If you want to understand the principles and wonderful blessing called a "Covenant Marriage" you need to first understand that it was created by the One and only Most High YAHUWAH!
The world doesn't know it, understand it or respect it. I'm therefore not surprised that they think it doesn't work, is no more relevant or has no place in our modern world. If you don't know YAHUWAH and His Covenant Word, don't expect to know or understand anything of what a "Covenant Marriage" is all about. I actually want to risk saying that if you don't believe in, or love YAHUWAH don't marry, you are just going to mess up the statistics and find no joy in it for there is no real joy to be found outside YAHUWAH and His Covenant.

Mend to be, from the beginning 

The first teaching about YAHUWAH's blueprint for Marriage can be found in 1 MoshAH 1:27.

"I YAHUWAH created male and female to sacrificially love one another into their Original Image of Ahabi Echad (oneness) through YAHUW YashUW (YAHUW the Savior). Therefore zakari (remember) to continually create (bara) true Ahabi (unselfish love) by pledging to one another with fidelity, nakeb (honesty) respecting freedom. Pledge yourselves freely (chopshi), without compulsion, to one another every Shabath day, every month, every year and every Shabath year or depart in loving peace. For love without freedom is no love at all. Let all learn to create My love in your nearest one just as I, YAHUWAH, create My pure love in you. For it is My love in you that shall mould you to be My Eternal Wordful Family."

Lets look at this first teaching and discuss a couple of principles of a Covenant Marriage.
1) "YAHUWAH created male and female." So who designed the whole idea of male and female?
2) "They are to sacrificially love one another into their Original Image of Ahabi Echad (oneness)." Sacrificial love is to be prepared to die for each other, it is the highest form of love if your commitment is unto death. As was demonstrated by YAHUW our Savior when He sacrificed Himself out of His AhabiYA for us, for our salvation!! The word Echad is a oneness that is not demonstrated by just sharing the same space but a oneness the is two spirits becoming one. The Original idea was oneness and as a Covenant Marriage is also a shadow of our relationship with YAHUWAH you can now understand also His desire to be one with us and us with Him.
3) "We are reminded to continually "create" true Ahabi." Only with the AhabiYA (Unselfish love of YA) poured into our hearts can we create true Ahabi. A physical law is: "you can not give what you don't have!"
This indicates a important factor that a Covenant Marriage can only exist if both male and female are in Covenant with YAHUWAH. This is where romance comes into the marriage, do nice things together, light some candles some times, have a picnic or just do fun things together. Create LOVE! It doesn't just happen.
True love is base on a pledge to each other, I will stay true to you, I will be honest with you and I will respect your freedom. 
4) "Pledge yourselves freely (chopshi), without compulsion, to one another"  "For love without freedom is NO love at all" No true love exist in a compulsory situation. Here one of the very important principles of YAHUWAH's unselfish love is teached! The pledge must be a free will decision from both the male and the female. It is actually so simple, if two people don't want to walk a road together, you can not make them do it. Then a pledge does not exist. Reaffirm your commitment with each other regularly, it is nice to hear it, be original, use various ways to communicate this pledge, there is a thousand communication means out there to use. Say it, post it, write it, sing it, email it, find a way, be creative.
5)  "Let all learn to create My love in your nearest one just as I, YAHUWAH, create My pure love in you." We must learn from YAHUWAH how to create love in each other, make that investment, you will not believe the dividends you will receive!! Remember the principle is to first get love from Him then you will have plenty to give to your spouse.
6) "For it is My love in you that shall mould you to be My Eternal Wordful Family." What a bargain, we don't even have to try and manufacture or churn up love, we can get it for free from our Father YAHUWAH and just start giving it out to one another. Do you see the key to a Covenant Marriage? It is in YAHUWAH's AhabiYA and His promise to us to never forsake us or leave us. That nothing can separate us from His AhabiYA.

Instruction to AHdam

According to the original scriptures MoshAH 2:121, it happened as follows: "So YAHUWAH Almighty Eternal Loving YA of All Creation caused a deep sleep to fall on the man of YAH and as he slept, He reached into "the spiral of life" (DNA) in his heart and He moulded an ishAH out of the spiral in AHdam's heart."

Then YAHUWAH spoke to AHdam: "Sacrificially Love her in My DebariYA by My AhabiYA and in My Bereith and she will magnify your ahabi back to you so that you will not have room to receive it all. Protect her, provide a home for her, teach her My Word, love and protect her with your very life, for she is My greatest living creation! She is the mother for my future children, She is your responsibility. I will hold you responsible for her happiness."
Now we see confirmation of the first teaching and some personal instruction to AHdam.
1) "Sacrificially Love her in My DebariYA by My AhabiYA and in My Bereith" Again the principle of loving her in "My DebariYA" in YAHUW the Word of YA.
Here three key elements to a successful Covenant Marriage is revealed. Sacrificially love her.......
a) In My DebariYA. The Word of YA, YAHUW our Saviour. Through Him were all things created. He is our gate to happiness, peace, joy and a great marriage. He also set the example to us of what Sacrificial Love means.
b) By My AhabiYA. It is only the Unselfish love of YA that can make a Covenant Marriage work. It is the substance that drives the unity, the passion and the happiness.
c) In My Bereith. In His Covenant, see what I meant when I said outside of His Covenant there can not be a Covenant Marriage. It can just not exist. His Covenant it the Pledge that our covenant with each other can work. His covenant also provide us with all the ingredients to equip us for our tasks as partners, best friends, lovers and soul mates, parents ext, for life.
This section holds such a great promise for every man of YA. The more you give ahabi to your ishAH (Woman of YA), she will magnify your ahabi back to you more than what you will have room to receive it. I can personally testify to this, it is the most wonderful experience to receive such a lot of love back from your ishAH. Now here comes a triky bit. You will note that this applies to a Covenant Marriage where both partners are YAish and ishAH. Both therefore in Covenant with YAHUWAH. If you sit with a situation where both is not in Covenant with YAHUWAH you might find this promise not applicable. You or her might give love and give love but receive nothing back, like a sponge sucking you dry (More about this later in the article). Now you understand a important ingredient for a Covenant Marriage to be successful is the fact that both must be in Covenant with YAHUWAH.
2) "Protect her" Man of YA you are to protect your ishAH with your very life. This does not just refer to physical protection but also spiritual and emotional protection against any thread that might come against your ishAH.
3) "Provide a home for her" This is a task given to you Man of YA. You are to work hard and provide your ishAH with a safe, cosy and good home.
4) "she is My greatest living creation" Men, do you disagree on this point? If your'e a Man of YA I very much doubt that. Not just because YAHUWAH teach it alone but we sure appreciate the beauty and elegance of our ishAH. Her significant part in our lives! AHdam said it very well when he said: "HUWAH" (Praise YAHUWAH) when he saw his ishAH the first time. He declared that she completes him. He also called her "Delight from YAH." 1MoshAH 2:123-124.
5) "She is the mother of my future children" Oqr ishAH's is the bearer of our children and deserves to be treated with love and respect. Without a woman a man can not exist. ShaUWl (sn Paul) explain this in (Text).....
6) "She is your responsibility. I will hold you responsible for her happiness" Here comes the shocker Men of YAH! No beating about the bush, straight from YAHUWAH's mouth! When I asked my wife this question her answer was as follows: She explained that it lies in Spiritual security, knowing that her YAish is following YAHUWAH and is the spiritual leader of the house. Because she knows he hears from YAHUWAH and he love YAHUWAH. Through the years I have observed a lot of men, Men of YAH, good men and cowards. One thing I have seen that woman find a true man of YAH irresistible. Not the macho, cursing, drinking and flirting men but if they find a Man of YAH they seem to instinctual know that he will fulfil her hearts desires. The same is also true for men not instinctively drawn to aggressive, bossy and rude woman. I find my ishAH irresistible because she is a woman of YAH, she magnifies my ahabi back to me, more than I can contain. What a pleasure, and I can confirm what AHdam said "HUWAH" (Praise YAHUWAH).

If one of the Marriage partners is not in Covenant with YAHUWAH

If an uneven situation occurs because the one of the two partners came to know and made a covenant with YAHUWAH the word teaches the following. 
"But for the rest I, not YAHUW our Master, say, if any brother in YAH has an unbelieving wife and she is content to live with him, let him not leave her. The woman of YAH who has an unbelieving husband and he is content to live with her, let her not leave her husband." 1 CorinthiYAns 7:12-13.

"Yet if the unbeliever does depart, let this be a final separation. The brother or the sister is not under marriage bondage in such cases, but Almighty loving YA of All Creation has called us to live in peace if at all possible. Yet you are not to remain just to be a witness to them. Fkr how do you know wife, whether you will be able to save your husband? Or how do you know husband, whether you will be able to save your wife?" 1 CorinthiYAns 7:15-16.
When you are caught up in a Marriage with an unbeliever and he or she is abusive, aggressive rude and victimize you, then you should consider getting out and finding a partner who is on the same level of Covenant as you with you Father in the ShamaYAim (Heaven). You must be freely involved in such a relationship, be there by your own will. By this I don't mean you can go in and out and have other relationships at the same time.

Single and thinking of getting married

For the unmarried seeking to get married the following warning and instruction is to be taken seriously.
"Do not be unequelly yoked with unbelievers, for what fellowship have the 'Keepers of The Word' and the keepers of iniquity? Or what communion has light with darkness?" 2 CorinthiYAns 6:14.

The Covenant combination

YAWUWAH created two beings or rather created the one and formed the other out of it. This gives us YAish (Man of YA) and ishAH (Woman of YA).
If this is put together in His Covenant you find YAish + ishAH = YAH. His perfect image on Eartz.
"YAHUW said, 'For this cause a man of YAH (YAHUWAHan) shall leave his father and mother and shall join his woman he loves and the two shall be as one if they honour The Covenant of YAH!' So they are no more two but rather one heart and mind. What therefore YAHUWAH has joined together, do not let man tear apart. 
They asked Him, 'Why then did MoshAH command us to give her a bill of divorce when one divorces his wife'? He said to them, 'MoshAH did this because of the hardness of your heart toward YAHUWAH's Original Word and towards your wives. He allows you to divorce your wife but from the very beginning, this has not been The Word nor will of EL YAH of All Creation. I tell you that whoever separates from his wife, except for unfaithfulness, and marries another, he commits adultery. And he who marries her who is separated from her husband but is still married, also commits adultery."
His YAHUWan disciples said to Him, considering the present unhappiness of most men with their wives, it is not good to marry. He said to them, This is true with unbelieving men because many men will not follow My teachings but for you AbraYA, the love of YAH is given through The Word."
MatithYAHUW 19:5-11.

Do you see here again the concept of Covenant Marriage versus the unbelieving world is explained. It has been His will from the start that a couple should be in Covenant Marriage, so if you don't follow the Teachings of YAHUW, then go and do your thing, you then believe that man is right and not YAHUWAH, it is fine HE HAS NEVER FORCED ANYONE TO LOVE HIM, OBEY HIM OR FOLLOW HIM! But if you do follow Him you must follow His commandments, as easy as that!

"Live again" in Covenant!
Now we will look at the fun, peace, joy and happiness indended for a Covenant Marriage.
YAHUWAH brings ChaUWAH to AHdam and he saw her the first time.
"....and brought her in her beauty to the man of YAH (AHdam). AHdam said "HUWAH" (Praise YAHUWAH)! She is the missing part of my echad (oneness, completeness)! Truly she is bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh and heart of my heart. She completes me O Great YAHUWAH!
She will be called an 'ishAH' because she was taken out of the heart of YAish (YA's man). Immediately he kissed her and held her as a precious thing and taught her to speak and to understand his words. Then tenderly he led his isha to understand The Way of EL YAH by The Word of His Covenant and its applications and she become his ishAH, even his beautiful loving and happy "Delight from YAH"
1 MoshAH 2:122-124

Wow men isn't this what you experienced when you saw your ishAH for the first time. My missing part, a delight from YAH!
Now AHdam was told the secret to a sucessful marriage:
"Whoever wants to become first in My eyes, let him become the servant of you. You are called to be the protector of your ishAH and your family. You are to be the servant to your ishAH first, then she will love you as her leader and protector. This is my AHabiYA. Walk in it.
Let My Light so shine in you that your ishAH and others will see your Wordful acts and also come to have faith in Me. For YAHUW The Coming Savior of all AHdam and all seekers of YAsarel also will come, not to be served but to serve, for He has chosen to give His life as a ransom for all who will seek eternal truth.
Love your ishAH and seek His Truth and His AhabiYA with her." 1MosAH 2:127-129.

What did AHdam do?
" And AHdam put these Words in his heart and mind and loved his ishAH."

What was the consequances?
"And she became the most beautiful of all YAH's creations." 1MosAH 2:130.

"And AHdam loved ChaUWAH more than his own life, and ChaUWAH loved him back more than he could receive. And they were Echad every day, and Shalom filled their hearts.
They suffered neither fear, pain nor confusion for AhabiYA filled their hearts and great joy filled their days, for they loved YAHUWAH and danced when they worshipped Him.
And His love made them love each other without fear or reserve.
Therefore AHdam should leave his father's and his mother's house and join with his ishAH and teach her AhabiYA that they might be 'echad' (completely one).
Let your ishAH be your closest near one. Let your AhabiYA (unselfish love from YAH) be shown first to your ishAH. They were honest, transparent and extremely happy, both AHdam and his beautiful ishAH and they were in no bondage of ignorance, fear or confusion but freely chose to joyfully love one another every day! And happiness filled their hearts and lives YAom by YAom and they pleased YAHUWAH in all that they did. And everything their hands did prospered and they had a great abundance.
Their love honored His Name and He called them by His Name 'The YAHUWans of YAsarel' because they reigned with Almighty YA, even His very People living His Word in beautiful and amazing love. And daily joy filled their many houses1MosAH 2:130-138.

Making Love verses having Sex

Let us see what YAHUWAH has to say about this subject.
"You men of YAH (YAish), trim your hair on your head, face and necks. Wash your bodies daily in clean running water when possible. Wash your face and your hands before you eat.
Make yourself clean and nice smelling with perfume before you lay with your woman. Make love to her slowly, with true passion, not like the dogs of the pagan nations. Attend to her delights as a mature loving man of YAH....." III MoshAH 19:27a-27c.
Wow, is all I can say! If this doesn't some it up all in two sentences then I don't know what will. You can read any decent book of a Marriage Councillor and the message is just like it is put plainly and straight forward by the above verse. I have not seen a better comparison with the way the world in its lusts and sin have sex than in this verse. Like "dogs", no love, no passion, no caring about the needs and pleasures of the other person, just selfish centered for their own quick pleasure!! Ever watched the dogs in your neighborhood, they all run after the one female dog and have no connection, responsibility or covenant with her, as long as they can satisfy their lust. It is fine for animals, they just react to their instincts. But if I look at people it saddens me to think the crown of YAHUWAH's creation has lowered themselves to live like dogs!
Fortunately there is hope, the family of YAHUWAH who loves His Name, His AhabiYA and follow His Covenant Word will give attention to the above verses, think it in his mind and treasure it in his heart and do as his Master has commanded.
Attend to her delights! Find out what your wife like and don't like. Don't give her chocolates (chocolates is not a good health choice, just by the way) if she loves flowers. Use her favorite perfume (aftershave, body lotion, make sure you use ones that will not be detrimental to your health). Men believe me a little goes a long way. IshAH's is not demanding woman that need a lot of money, expensive cars, fancy expensive dinners. They appreciate the small things in life that you constantly do that makes them feel special, loved, cared for and protected. Think my goodness, be creative!! They love original ideas that does not necessarily have to cost a lot of money.

"for this cause a man will leave his father and mother, and will be joined to his wife. And the two will become one (Echad) Spirit-flesh. EphesiYAns 5:31
Nevertheless each of you must also love his own wife even as himself; and let the wife see that she honors her husband, as the Great Covenant Commandments of YAHUWAH tell us." 
EphesiYAns 5:33.

Covenant Marriage at its best!!
Need I say any more, I rest my case!