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Thursday 17 May 2012

COVENANT Teaching 1

COVENANT Teaching 1

It is winter here in Cape Town and a cold wind is blowing today with low clouds moving in. My wife is busy making cloths for a shop and we had a walk early this morning. We just had a nice bowl of soup, so I now have a warm tummy. So this is the ideal time to sit down and write you something that is on my heart.

I want to take you through a journey and let you look with me into the Covenant of YAHUWAH.

Let us first look at the introduction:

"These are My Covenant Words of The Way which will lead you toward My perfection in Yasha (the Savior) YAHUW, The Perfect One. It is He who has chosen to suffer your sins, that you might be My Righteous Eternal Nation. These are My Eternal Covenant Words which I make with you this YAom and even forever if you will walk in them from your heart. 1 MoshAH 2:4. (sn-Genesis)

This one paragraph is a mouth full, so let us look at every sentence carefully. The first part tell us this is the "Words of His Covenant of The Way". If you decide to follow a route, say you decide to travel from Cape Town to Hermanus. Then you will take the N2 till you get to the R43 and so on you will follow a set path to get to your destination. The place where you want to be. This Covenant is thus The Way that will lead you to "My perfection in Yasha YAHUW" (the savior YAHUW).

"Because of the tender mercy of Almighty Loving YA of All Creation whereby The Light (YAHUW) from on High will visit us, to shine on those who sit in darkness, in the shadow of death and to guide our feet into “The Way of YAHUWAH’s Eternal Peace." UriYAH-LukAH 1:79. (sn-Luke)

To whom is this Covenant presented?
"What then? Are we better than they? No, in no way! For we previously charged both the Yehudi (Jews) and the Hellenics (unbelieving Greeks), that all are condemned by disobedience to The Covenant Word of YAH." RomaniYA 3:9. (sn-Romans)
"For YAHUWAH so loved the world that He gave His One Eternal Beloved Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have Eternal Life." YAHUWchanon 3:16.

What is this perfection you will reach? Look closely and you will see a key word: IN Yasha YAHUW. You can thus only reach this perfection if you are in YAHUW. Being in Him is believing in Him, being saved/redeemed by Him. Being declared sinless because of the Perfect offer brought by YAHUW Himself for your and my sins. You can only go to the Father through YAHUW. He and He alone is the Door that you need to go through to get to the Father. Only those that go through YAHUW become children of YAsarel, the eternal Nation of YAHUWAH.
"YAHUW therefore said to them again, "Most assuredly, I tell you, I am The Door for the sheep of YAsarel" YAHUWchanon 10:7. (sn-John). 
"YAHUW said to him, "I am The Way, The Truth and The Life. No one comes to The Father except through Me, except you be burned up by His Perfection and by your sins. YAHUWchanon 14:6. (sn-John)

The next sentence tell us a very important fact about our Savior, He chose to suffer for our sins!! Nobody forced Him, it was a voluntary action from His side. It was also not Shatan who gained a victory over Him as is so many times misinterpreted by the uninformed. He knew exactly what to do to save us from eternal death. That's why HE is the KING of YAsarel!! He was obedient to His Fathers Commandment. He chose to do His Fathers will. Just as you are invited to voluntary chose YAHUW as your Savior. Nobody is going to force you or decide on your behalf. The most basic essence of AhabiYA is freedom to choose!!
"Therefore the Father loves Me because I lay down My life for the sheep of El YAH. But on the third day, My Father will raise Me up and I will receive it again. No one takes it away from Me, but I lay it down by myself because of My love for you. I have the love to lay it down, yet I will take up My Power again. I received this commandment from YAHUWAH My Father." YAHUWchanon 10:18. (sn-John)
"For The Son of AHdam also came not to be served but to serve and to give His life as a ransom for all who will seek His Truth." MarkUW 10:45 (sn-Mark)

A Covenant is closed between two parties and they undertake to abide by and walk in that Covenant for life. 
This is exactly what happens when you pledge yourself to the Covenant of YAHUWAH. He has done His part from beginning to end. If you Covenant with Him you are to walk, live and die in His Way and Covenant. It is made clear in His Word that we can't serve two masters!! Choose then today whom you serve. Choose between Light and darkness, between life everlasting or destruction.
"No one can serve two masters. Either he will hate the one and love the other or else he will be devoted to one and despise the other. You cannot serve both Almighty Loving YA of All Creation and your selfish interests." MatithYAHUW 6:24. (sn-Mathew) 

It is such a joy and great happiness to be believing and following YAHUWAH. To be freed from our bondage's, to know we will life for ever!!! To receive His AhabiYA (unselfish love of YA) and peace is not comparable to anything else in this life.

I look forward taking you further on your journey as we discover the great truths of YAHUWAH.
Enjoy your day!