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Saturday 3 August 2019

“Be still and know, I AM, YAHUWAH”

This is a message given to me this morning from our Father YAHUWAH that I want to share with you.

SILENCE is the absence from external noise….

STILNESS is an inner quietness that comes from knowing who YAHUWAH is. Putting your hundred percent trust in HIM. Allowing His love (AHabiYAH) to fill your heart. Being content with where you are, what you are and who you are right now and what you have. Being thankful for everything you receive out of His gracious and loving Heart and Hand!
Receiving His peace that boggles the mind and protects the heart. To live in sync/harmony with your Creator who loves you so dearly and wants you to be happy/fulfilled/have shalom/prosper/live life to the full and savour His presence inside you through His Spirit (RUWach).
Getting to know His Loving Father heart and the wonderful plans He has for you.

May you have a blessed day.