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Thursday 12 July 2012

COVENANT Teaching 6

A very dear friend of us is visiting for two days and my wife and she is off to the shops to get her some cloths for her trip to the States. So I took the opportunity to stay home with you, so let’s see what the next part of the Covenant says. (Highlighted in yellow)

It starts with the words: YAHUWAH I am, The Almighty Eternal Loving YAH creating His People, who is continually delivering you out of the houses of bondage. Have no foreign gods (Elohim) before your face!
You must not make nor consume any contamination, nor make any image to worship, not of anything that is in the ShamaYAim above, or that is in the Earth beneath, or that is in the water under the Earth.
You must not bow (subjugate) yourself down to it, nor serve them, for I, YAHUWAH am your Almighty Loving YA of All Creation, I am The Only Almighty Eternal Loving One.
The fathers pass their sins on to their children, even to the third and fourth generation of those who ignore Me, yet I send loving invitations a thousand times to every person in every generation of those who seek to love Me and keep My MitsUWAH.
Do not treat My Name YAHUWAH, Almighty Eternal Loving YA of All Creation, as unimportant for I cannot hold him sinless who treats My Name as unimportant, for it is The First Gate of Salvation.” I MoshAH 2:5-6b (Genesis)

Paleo Hebrew 
What is in a name? A name clearly identifies WHO we are talking about or with or referring to ext. When my sons were born I gave them each a specific name and it is the name I call them till this day. A name IDENTIFIES who we are referring to!
I don’t call him Regard the one day and Peter the next. Pretty simple and clear principle and I think we all understand that, don’t we. I might refer to his different titles or positions like firstborn, son, musician, ext. Doesn’t matter what else I call him his registered birth name in his ID document stays Regard. For when I have to identify him I will declare: his name is Regard!
I can now use his name in various ways to make known my feeling towards him Reegie, Ricardo. The way I bend his name will indicate to him whether I honour him or belittle him.
Right we have now established that a person has a name dedicated to him and him alone.
Then why do we want to ascribe different names to our Creator?

He has only one NAME:  YAHUWAH
(The best way the scholars can create the Name or the sounds of the One and only God from the original scriptures, also called the “Tetragrammaton”).

In Modern Hebrew (Aramaic) it is:

Please note that in the introduction pages of the NIV of KJV it is clearly stated that the Name of YAHUWAH has been replaced by “The Lord”. Is “The Lord” YAHUWAH? I don’t think so. Who are they talking about?

There is a huge demonic deception going around trying to convince people that all pagan god names lead to Eternal Life. That is just one big LIE. This lie is actually as old as the existence of mankind.

Let’s look at what the Word of YAHUWAH says:

“And YAHUWAH said to His servant AHdam, ‘You shall teach this Covenant and these Primary applications of My Covenant and these Primary applications of My Covenant Laws of Life to all elders who will guide My Nation, even My Covenant People YAsarel;

First, teach your children the importance of My Name, for without it, they will be blind to the true Covenant of Life……”1MoshAH 2:12

You see my friend like in the previous Covenant teachings I wrote on this blog the choice lies purely with you. If you believe Buda or Krishna is going to bring you salvation, that’s your choice, then that’s what you are going to believe and live to.
But if you say you believe in and follow the Creator of the Universe and His name is YAHUWAH as revealed by Him selves through His RUWach to mankind then HIS NAME becomes your only IMPORTANT NAME through which you are saved, healed, delivered, ext.

It is therefore VERY important which name you decide on! Why? Let me show you!
“There is Salvation in no other name. For there is no other name, under heaven, given among men, by which we can be saved.” MaasAH MalakiYA 4:12 (Acts)

See the extent of the lie we are told!! If this is true, which I believe it is, then it means there is only One Name that can cause Salvation: YAHUWAH. It is for you to choose.
Let's think logics or practical again. Can there be more than one creator? I don’t think so!!
Then somebody is lying and somebody is telling the truth.

“I made known to them Your Name YAHUWAH and will make it known so that the love with which You love Me may be in them and I in them.” YAHUWchanon 17:26 (John)

“In His Name (YAHUW) alone can the Seekers in the Other-nations find hope.” MatithYAHUW 12:21 (Matthew)

“In the Letter day (YAom), it shall be proclaimed that whosoever will faithfully Call Upon The Name of YAHUWAH will be saved.” MaasAH MalakiYA 2:21 (Acts)

Here’s a question to you: If the Catholics (which we know without a doubt is (Sun/Lucifer) worshippers, check it out for yourself) and a Freemason (Sun/Lucifer worshippers, check it out for yourself) signs his oath in the name of Jesus then something is wrong somewhere!!! If you say you worship Jesus as the true Son of God and they call on the same name as you, then my dear friend someone is lying to you or you are lying.
As a matter of fact you can do your own research and you will find that ALL pagan religions worship the sun, moon and stars as symbols of Lucifer (Shatan). The Anti-YAHUWAH spirit is very busy in this world my friend, it is time to start investigating for your selves what is true and what is false!

Different Names
 Can One Creator have different Names? No, for there is Only ONE: YAHUWAH (Father(YAH)/Son(UW)/Spirit(AH)).
People confuse His titles as His Names, for instance YAHUWshua is not His Name, His Name is “YAHUW” and “shua” tells you He is The Saviour/He is Salvation. So is numerous titles or descriptions of what He does, and what He means to us connected to His Name, e.g. Healer, Helper, Father, Almighty, Eternal ext. If you read through the Kings Covenant (New Testament) you will see that when YAHUW walked on the earth His name is YAHUW, the moment He was resurrected from death He is called by His full Name again YAHUWAH the Saviour or YAHUWAH King and Master.
“ But when the next YAom had dawned, YAHUWAH the Saviour stood on the beach, yet the matithiYAns did not know that He was YAHUW MeoschiUW, the Resurrected Saviour.” YAHUWchanon 21:4 (John)
…“Rejoice. I have been resurrected from the dead by YAHUWAH My Father. He has raised Me to be YAHUW your Saviour and YAHUWAH your Eternal King.”….MatithYAHUW 28:9. (Matthew)

When StephAHn called to His Saviour just before his death we read:
“They stoned StephAHn as he called out, saying, YAHUWAH my Saviour, receive my spirit.” MaasAH MalakiYA 7:59 (Acts)

Changing names
Can a name change? Was it a thing that happened in the Word of YAHUWAH?
Yes, definitely. When did people’s names changed? The moment they pledged to YAHUWAH’s Covenant, was immersed in and receive YAHUWAH RUWach they became new creations (YAHUWAH re-writing their DNA?). Children of The Most High. We see many examples of this throughout the Word of YAHUWAH. We see this right from the word go. There are hundreds of examples; I will just list a few.

“ And Adam pledged himself to these Covenant Words and was converted to The Covenant Way of YAHUWAH. He was the first man to Call upon the NAME of YAHUWAH. He was also the first to be called under the Name of the Saviour, the first YAHUWan. Then YAHUWAH continued to teach AHdam.” 1MoshAH 2:10. (Genesis)

Did you think YAHUWAH was unfair by not expecting Adam to also convert to Him just like we have too. No my friend YAHUWAH is a just God.

“PaUWleg lived thirty years and became the father of Reu who became a seeker and was immersed to ReUW (seeker of YAHUW) 1MoshAH 2:18

“…There Abram called upon (worshiped) The Name of YAHUWAH! He became immersed in His Name and His RUWach immersed him in His Splendor and he danced before YAHUWAH in total joy! AbrAHam cared not who watched for he sought to please only One! And there YAHUWAH called him AraAHam (The Father is The Great YAH of His People), His MalakiYA (Ambassador of YAH).” 1MoshAH 13b:4. (Genesis)

“Then Yehuda Iscariot, ShemiYAon’s son, one of His YAHUWan disciples, who would betray Him, said,…” YAHUWchanon 12:4. (John)
Here we see his name was not changed because he was not immersed in the Name of YAHUWAH.

I think that is enough for now.  It is such a comprehensive subject but I know your time is also limited. Let’s just get a conclusion: There is ONLY one Name that can save, you must make sure you pick the right one!! Why is His Name the FIRST gate of Salvation? Because you can only go to the Father through YAHUWAH the Saviour! He said “I’m the DOOR (First gate)”! It is choosing by which Name you immerse in.

Please feel free to write me some comments.

Tuesday 10 July 2012

COVENANT Teaching 5

We are having a good old Cape winter with lovely rain and cold to go with it. We enjoyed our oldest son’s visit for two weeks. We dropped him of on the airport this morning and I can now sit and we can continue with the teaching from our Fathers Covenant.
It starts with the words: YAHUWAH I am, The Almighty Eternal Loving YAH creating His People, who is continually delivering you out of the houses of bondage. Have no foreign gods (Elohim) before your face!
You must not make nor consume any contamination, nor make any image to worship, not of anything that is in the ShamaYAim above, or that is in the Earth beneath, or that is in the water under the Earth.
You must not bow (subjugate) yourself down to it, nor serve them, for I, YAHUWAH am your Almighty Loving YA of All Creation, I am The Only Almighty Eternal Loving One.
The fathers pass their sins on to their children, even to the third and fourth generation of those who ignore Me, yet I send loving invitations a thousand times to every person in every generation of those who seek to love Me and keep My MitsUWAH.” I MoshAH 2:6a (Genesis)

This is one part that is very poorly translated by some of the translations:
..."punishing the children for the sin of the fathers to the third and fourth generation of those who hate me" (NIV Exodus 20:4) 
This makes God very unfair to punish the children for their fathers sin. I don't think they talk about YAHUWAH here! It also contradicts the teaching that every man will stand before God on his own.

Murdering the soul of your child

In my lifetime I have seen the destructive effects of irresponsible adults whether it be a father or a mother, a friend or teacher or a sport couch that tell a child “You are useless” or “You are a good for nothing” or “You will get nowhere in life” especially coming from parents is the worst thing you can tell a child.
It is not a physical murder as you can see but an emotional or souls murder. You are telling that child he is not good for anything, worthless and not loved. If a parent tell it to his own child it is normally ten times worse for you my friend are the one they trust. If you don’t believe in them, love them and respect them, who will!!
As can be seen by the quoted verse below this this is considered a very serious offence punishable by eternal destruction UNLESS you repent.

So many people today walk around with broken hearts because of something a adult told them when they were still young.

…“And whoever shall act in a way that says, ‘you are worthless,’ like murdering an innocent one, shall be sentenced to destruction in the eternal lake of fire for final destruction unless he repents with weeping, converts and believes in The Way of My Salvation.” 1 MoshAH 2:32. (Genesis)

Further, the example you as parents live for your child to follow is determining his future way of thinking, behaviour and friendships. Whether he or she feels rejected or accepted.
If you drink too much…..guess what? The chance that your child will do likewise is very high!! If you disrespect your wife your son will in all probability do the same, unless he repents and break the cycle and example you set him.

Molesting or raping a child

As I’m writing this heading my heart feels like missing a beat. This abomination is increasing in our time like a cancer. I cannot think in my wildest dreams how any adult can do this to a small child, it is disgusting, utterly demonically disgusting. I battle to find words to describe my feelings about this. People who have been the victim of such abominations will tell you the enormous impact this had on their lives. I’m so glad that our Father in heaven is always standing with outstretched arms to heal the emotional wounds and scars caused to victims of such behaviour. There IS HOPE, there IS HEALING in HIM.
I will show you how seriously YAHUWAH considers this demonic behaviour. If you have been or are still involved with such misconduct my friend you better REPENT very quickly.

…“However, any adult who seduces and rapes a child under 20 years old (from conception), he must be captured, placed on trial by twelve and if convicted without doubt, he shall be given 12 hours to repent before YAHUWAH and then must be hung from a tree until dead.” UwYAqara 20:13 (Leviticus)
Now you tell me wait, this is old testament or TorAH, it doesn’t apply any more. I have news for you!

“Yet whoever causes one of these children who believes in Me to stumble, it would be better for him that a huge millstone should be hung around his neck and that he should be sunk in the depths of the sea.” MitithYAHUW 18:6 (Matthew)

Get the message? It is not just a minor offence!!!!! I think I made my point!


The very well-known verse declares our Loving Fathers heart that He wants everybody to be saved and have Eternal Life with Him.

..“that whoever believes in Him; he who believes that YAHUW is in YAHUWAH. The One who saves, should not perish but have Eternal Life.
For YAHUWAH so loved the world that He gave His One Eternal Beloved Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have Eternal Life.”
YAHUWchanon 3:15-16. (John)
“KephAH said to them, ‘Repent of breaking and swear to The Covenant Words of YAH and for all who will believe in Him, be immersed in The Name of  YAHUW in YAHUWAH, your Eternal King of The Family of YAsarel for the forgiveness of your sins and you will receive the gift of the RUWach QadUWsha.
For this promise is (1) to you, (2) to your children, (3) to your children’s children (4) and to those who are in the far future, and (5) to anyone else who will faithfully Call Upon (worship, be immersed in) YAHUWAH Almighty Loving YA of All Creation.”
MaasAH MalakiYA (Acts) 2:38-39.

“For The Son of AHdam (YAHUW) came to save those who were lost.”
MatithYAHUW 18:11. (Matthew)

"For 'Who ever will faithfully call Upon The Name of YAHUWAH' will be saved!

His existence, love and care can clearly be seen in His Creation all around and including us.

..”because that which is The Way of Almighty Loving YA of All Creation is known to them, for Almighty Loving YAH revealed it to them.
For the invisible things of Him since the creation of the Universe are clearly seen, being understood through the things that are made, even His Power and His Creation, so they are without excuse.
Knowing about Almighty Loving YA of All Creation, yet they did not worship Him as Almighty Loving YAH, neither gave Him thanks for their life, but became vain in their reasoning and their vain hearts were darkened.
Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools, and traded The Eternal Splendor of the Incorruptible Almighty Loving YA of All Creation for the likeness of pagan names and images of corruptible man and of birds and four-footed animals and “ghostly type” things.
Therefore Almighty Loving YA of All Creation also gave them up in the lusts of their heart to uncleanness, that their bodies should be dishonored even among themselves, who exchanged the truth of Almighty Loving YAH for a lie and worshiped and served created things rather than The Creator, who is The One blessed forever. AmaniYA (We trust only in YAHUWAH).”
RomaniYA 1:19-25 (Romans)
It is very evident my dear friend that His Loving Invitation extends to everybody on this earth. YAHUWAH is just and extends His grace to all. But know that ONLY they who, call upon, believe and is immersed in His Son and follow His commandments will be saved!!

It is never too late, He loves you and want you to spend Eternaty in His Splendour.

Next time we go further and explore the rest of His Covenant.
May you have a fabulous day! Greetings from a wet and cold Cape Town, South Africa.