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Monday 24 September 2012

Summary of 7th Month Feasts

7 th Month Feasts of YAHUWAH

Gregor dates
YAH's Dates

Feast of TeruAH / Trumpets






7 Shabath


Start at sunset

Feast of YA'om KippUWr / Atonement (end at sunset)




14 Shabath
Dedicate anew to My Work and cleanse

15 Shabath
Feast of Sukkoth / Tabernacles, Build Tabernacles
Day 1
Feast of Sukkoth / Tabernacles
Day 2

Feast of Sukkoth / Tabernacles
Day 3

Feast of Sukkoth / Tabernacles
Day 4

Feast of Sukkoth / Tabernacles
Day 5

Feast of Sukkoth / Tabernacles
Day 6

21 Shabath
Feast of Sukkoth / Tabernacles
Day 7

22 Shabath
QadUWsha Assembly Shabath
Day 8

FEASTS Teaching 3

I will make a break in the Covenant teachings and give a three part teaching on the three eternal feasts of YAHUWAH in the seventh month. This is the last teaching on the Feasts and we will again return to finish the Covenant teachings.

The Feast of Sukkoth / Tabernacles

This feast symbolizes the time when we (the bride) will unite with our Bridegroom in a wedding feast. Seven days of feasting in celebration of the wedding of the Lamb. The Idea of tents is to remind us that we dwell here now only temporarily, but one day we will be with Him permanently.

According to YAHUWAH’s calendar:
14/7/2019 Start on Shabath
15/7/2019 – 21/7/2019 A.Y. –After YAHUW,) Sukkoth,
22/7/2019 Shabath, 8th day feast, eternity.

Gregorian calendar
29/9/2012 Start on Shabath
30/9/2012 – 6/10/2012 A.D.) Sukkoth
7/10/2012 Shabath, 8th day feast.

“33 YAHUWAH called to MoshAH saying, speak to the children of YAsarel and say,
On the fourteenth day you shall dedicate yourself anew to My work and cleanse yourself of all your inequities. And on the fitteenth day of this seventh month is The Feast of Sukkoth (Tents or Tabernacles), even for seven days unto YAHUWAH.
On the first day shall be a QadUWsha Assembly and a great Feast of Rejoicing and you shall read My Covenant Word and worship Me with song and dance. Then for six days you shall fast morning until evening and examine and purify yourselves and offer yourself as an offering purified by fire to YAHUWAH.
Listen and ponder My Eternal Word and you shall also worship, dance and rejoice before YAHUWAH, Almighty Loving YA creating His Great People, for these seven days. And after sunset, you shall eat joyfully, rejoicing with one another, both rich and poor alike, and rest and love your families.
36-b Every morning and evening, you shall read My Covenant of Life and worship Me. You shall offer a special offering for “the explosion of your faith” to YAHUWAH. It is a QadUWsha gathering of The Covenant-Family of YAH and you shall make a great feast and great rejoicing in it.
39 So on the fifteenth day of the seventh month, when you have gathered in the fruits of the land you shall keep the feast of Sukkoth (Tabernacles) to YAHUWAH for seven days, and the first day shall be a joyful Shabath of worship and rest. Then on the eighth day, it shall also be a joyful Set Apart Shabath of dance, song and spiritual rest looking for the coming of YAHUWAH’s Full Kingdom here on the Eartz.

You shall take, on the first day, the branches of strong trees, branches of palm trees or boughs of thick trees and willows of the brook and you shall make a tabernacle for you, your family and Myself that we might commune together and that I might speak softly to you. Listen and ponder My Eternal Word and you shall also worship, dance and rejoice before YAHUWAH, Almighty Loving YA creating His Great People, for these seven days. And after sunset, you shall eat joyfully, rejoicing with one another, both rich and poor alike, and rest and love your families.
You shall keep this feast to YAHUWAH these set seven days every year, for it is a statute forever throughout your generations and you shall keep it in the seventh month.
You shall dwell in tents these seven days. All who are citizens of YAsarel shall dwell in these tents, that your future generations may know that I am making the Children of YAsarel into My Covenant-Family beginning when they were dwelling in tents as homeless nomads, when I brought them out of the land of the Mitserim. YAHUWAH I am, The Almighty Eternal Loving YA Who Is Creating His Nation and who is Creating His People.”
III MoshAH 23:33-43

Feast of Sukkoth / Tabernacles

Gregorian dates
YAH's Date

14 Shabath
Dedicate anew to My Work and cleanse yourself

Sukkoth, Build Tabernacles
Day 1
Sukkoth, Fast morn till evening, Feast evening
Day 2
Sukkoth, Fast morn till evening, Feast evening
Day 3
Sukkoth, Fast morn till evening, Feast evening
Day 4
Sukkoth, Fast morn till evening, Feast evening
Day 5
Sukkoth, Fast morn till evening, Feast evening
Day 6
21 Shabath
Sukkoth, Fast morn till evening, Feast evening
Day 7
QadUWsha Assembly Shabath,
Day 8

 Collated activities of the different days (This is just to put info together to assist you)
 Day before the Feast (14th)
On the fourteenth day you shall dedicate yourself anew to My work and cleanse yourself of all your inequities.
First Day of Feast:
On the first day shall be a QadUWsha Assembly and a great Feast of Rejoicing and you shall read My Covenant Word and worship Me with song and dance.
You shall take, on the first day, the branches of strong trees, branches of palm trees or boughs of thick trees and willows of the brook and you shall make a tabernacle for you, your family and Myself that we might commune together and that I might speak softly to you. Listen and ponder My Eternal Word and you shall also worship, dance and rejoice before YAHUWAH, Almighty Loving YA creating His Great People, for these seven days. And after sunset, you shall eat joyfully, rejoicing with one another, both rich and poor alike, and rest and love your families.
Second to seventh day of the Feast:
Then for six days you shall fast morning until evening and examine and purify yourselves and offer yourself as an offering purified by fire to YAHUWAH.
Every morning and evening, you shall read My Covenant of Life and worship Me. You shall offer a special offering for “the explosion of your faith” to YAHUWAH. It is a QadUWsha gathering of The Covenant-Family of YAH and you shall make a great feast and great rejoicing in it.
All seven days:
Listen and ponder My Eternal Word and you shall also worship, dance and rejoice before YAHUWAH, Almighty Loving YA creating His Great People, for these seven days. And after sunset, you shall eat joyfully, rejoicing with one another, both rich and poor alike, and rest and love your families.
Eight Day:
Then on the eighth day, it shall also be a joyful Set Apart Shabath of dance, song and spiritual rest looking for the coming of YAHUWAH’s Full Kingdom here on the Eartz.

        Looking forward to our marriage/wedding with our Bridegroom must bring in our hearts big joy             and looking forward to that great day.
The eight day when we look forward into the future and know our Kings Kingdom will be established on the new restored earth and He will reign for ever. AHleleuYAH!!!!

One thing is for sure, it is Feast time, so let us celebrate with joy and dancing!!!!!
