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Tuesday 4 September 2012

COVENANT Teaching 10

We are spending time with a very dear YAHUWan sister in the "Klein Karoo" of the Western Cape Province, SA. It is the time of the year when this semi-desert area is covered in beautiful flowers. 

Today we continue with more offences you can commit to a fellow human being.

So let’s see what the next part of the Covenant says. (Highlighted in yellow)

It starts with the words: YAHUWAH I am, The Almighty Eternal Loving YAH creating His People, who is continually delivering you out of the houses of bondage. Have no foreign gods (Elohim) before your face!
You must not make nor consume any contamination, nor make any image to worship, not of anything that is in the ShamaYAim above, or that is in the Earth beneath, or that is in the water under the Earth.
You must not bow (subjugate) yourself down to it, nor serve them, for I, YAHUWAH am your Almighty Loving YA of All Creation, I am The Only Almighty Eternal Loving One.
The fathers pass their sins on to their children, even to the third and fourth generation of those who ignore Me, yet I send loving invitations a thousand times to every person in every generation of those who seek to love Me and keep My MitsUWAH.
Do not treat My Name YAHUWAH, Almighty Eternal Loving YA of All Creation, as unimportant for I cannot hold him sinless who treats My Name as unimportant, for it is The First Gate of Salvation.
Remember the Shabath (7th) day, to keep it QadUWsha (set apart for salvation teachings by YAHUWAH).
You shall labour six days and do all your work, but the Seventh Day is QadUWsha. You shall labour six days and do all your work but the seventh day is The Pledged Day (ShabUWoth) to YAHUWAH The Almighty Eternal Loving YA Who Is Creating His Nation.
You must not do any non-life giving (non-life giving for life) work in it, not you, nor your son, nor your daughter and your male servant, nor your female servant, nor your livestock, nor your stranger who is within your gates, for in six YAoms, YAHUWAH made the ShamaYAim and the Earth and the sea and all that is in them but He rested the seventh YAom and therefore YAHUWAH blessed the Shabath-day (Seventh, Pledging day) and made it QadUWsha (Set Apart by YAHUWAH for salvation).
Honour your father and your mother in YAHUWAH that your YAoms (journeys with YAH) may be long in the land (AdamAH, or as The People of YAH) which YAHUWAH, Almighty Eternal Loving YA of All Creation, gives you.
You must not murder.
You must not commit infidelity.” I MoshAH 2:5-8 (Genesis)


If we look at this word in the dictionary we find a few words that describe infidelity: unfaithfulness, faithlessness, disloyalty, betrayal, adultery, cheating ext.
It has quite a comprehensive amount of meanings covering a wide variety of areas of life.

Basically it means to break any form of a Covenant, agreement or contract.
So let’s look at a few areas of life that comes to mind.

INFIDELITY in your relationship with YAHUWAH

One thing is very clearly taught in the Word of YAH, you are not forced to belong to YAHUWAH. It is absolutely your FREE choice. You are invited to belong to Him and be in Covenant with Him. But if you choose Him, it is expected of you to be faithful. Is that too much asked? Don’t think so!
If you choose to leave Him and break your Covenant, you are also free to go but you then decide to walk away from Him and His Kingdom of Light back to the kingdom of darkness.

We were created to be loyal to one Master only. It is you that choose which one!

No servant can serve two masters, for either he will hate the one and love the other, or else he will cling to one and despise the other. You cannot serve Almighty Loving YA of All Creation and money.” UriYAH-LukAH 16:13 (Luke)

If you choose to follow Him:

“You must not bow (subjugate) yourself down to it, nor serve them, for I, YAHUWAH am your Almighty Loving YA of All Creation, I am The Only Almighty Eternal Loving One.” I MoshAH 2:6a (Genesis)

Note that this translation does not say “for I am a jealous God.” He doesn’t need to be jealous of anybody “HE IS” and it stands you free to choose Him or not. But if you Covenant with Him, you cannot serve idols, elohim and even yourself. If you are in a love relationship with someone, would you like it if they cheat on you? If you ever watched the program on TV “Cheaters” you will see the pain and anger people experience when they find out their partner cheated on them. It is not right neither nice to be betrayed by someone. This program actually demonstrates infidelity in real life. Even if you say I don’t believe in YAHUWAH, there is still something inside you that tells you it is just not right to cheat on someone that loves and trust you!! Period.

INFIDELITY in your Marriage Relationship

Here the same principle applies. If you Covenant yourself to one partner you are to be faithful to her or him. If you cheat on them you also become a Covenant breaker. There is NO place in a Covenant Marriage for a third party. If you cheat your partner you are worse than even some animals that stick together for life. If you don’t love each other any more you can mutually agree to part from each other and permanently separate from each other. Then only are you free to find another partner. The same principle of free choice applies and thus while you are in Covenant there is no room for adultery.

Here is the requirement in a nutshell:

“The other-peoples will also teach whoever shall desire to put away his love pledged woman let him give her a writing of separation, but then they will seek to abuse and defraud the woman and their children from their Wordful support, but I tell you, your love pledged woman is due an equal portion of all that you both earned or agreed to in writing while pledged to each other. And your children are due also an equal portion of all you both will earn until your children become 20 years old.
Afterwards, the parents shall be free of any law of support except to love their children always.’
But I tell you that whoever separates permanently from his love pledged woman, except in the case of her unfaithfulness to her pledges, makes himself unfaithful and an adulterer.
He must immediately give her a writing of permanent separation and his pledged support to her. This must be one half of all he and she gained while pledged to one another unless they both pledged otherwise to one another in writing. Anyone who pledges to another’s woman when she is temporarily separated but not permanently separated with a signed writing also breaks The Covenant by infidelity and adultery. V MoshAH 34:31-32 (Deuteronomy)


We are also called to be loyal to our fellow believers and people of YAsarel. When we differ from each other a strict protocol should be followed to not cause division amongst ourselves. You don’t just go around and slander fellow believers or elders. You follow the set principles to resolve disputes. In the following section you will also see the responsibility to eradicate sin from amongst the people. If you allow sin to continue unattested it will leaven the whole family, people and Nation.

“If your brother sin against you, go, show him his sin between you and him alone. If he listens to you, you have gained back your brother.
But if he does not listen, take one or two more with you so that at the mouth of two or three witnesses every word may be established.
If he refuses to listen to them, tell it to the CAHal, (the assembly of the Called of YAH). If he refuses to hear the CAHal also, let him be to you as a non-believer (Other-nation, Gentile) or as a criminal. Then you must do what is lawful to correct him.” MatithYAHUW 18:15-17.

INFIDELITY in Contracts, Partnerships and Business.

So many people just don’t honour their agreements, you see it every day in the business world of the unbelievers. Business partners cheating each other. All the fine print on products where people duck and dive their responsibilities.
Product labels that say something and the product are not what it says. A few years ago a big chain group in SA was caught selling olive oil and it was discovered that 4 or 5 of the brands was actually not olive oil but sunflower oil coloured to look like olive oil. This happens so often now a day, mainly in countries where governments are so corrupt and the public is not protected against these fraudsters.

You realize that what people put even in writing means nothing because they simply just have no integrity, no honour and are just simply unfaithful and lawless.

“But let your ‘yes be yes’ and your ‘no be no.’ Anything other than this is an opening for the Evil one. V MoshAH 34:37. (Deuteronomy)


If we commit ourselves to a covenant, a contract or an agreement we are not to CHEAT on it! If you follow YAHUWAH infidelity is just not an option! The core of infidelity is being a liar and thinking you are going to get away with it. If you lie, Shatan is your father, the liar from the beginning.
It seems there is something wrong on my blog and people can’t write me comments. I am busy trying to sort it out. Would love to hear from you.


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