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Thursday 9 August 2012

COVENANT Teaching 9

Well today we will be looking at the first and most serious offence you can commit to a fellow human being.

So let’s see what the next part of the Covenant says. (Highlighted in yellow)

It starts with the words: YAHUWAH I am, The Almighty Eternal Loving YAH creating His People, who is continually delivering you out of the houses of bondage. Have no foreign gods (Elohim) before your face!
You must not make nor consume any contamination, nor make any image to worship, not of anything that is in the ShamaYAim above, or that is in the Earth beneath, or that is in the water under the Earth.
You must not bow (subjugate) yourself down to it, nor serve them, for I, YAHUWAH am your Almighty Loving YA of All Creation, I am The Only Almighty Eternal Loving One.
The fathers pass their sins on to their children, even to the third and fourth generation of those who ignore Me, yet I send loving invitations a thousand times to every person in every generation of those who seek to love Me and keep My MitsUWAH.
Do not treat My Name YAHUWAH, Almighty Eternal Loving YA of All Creation, as unimportant for I cannot hold him sinless who treats My Name as unimportant, for it is The First Gate of Salvation.
Remember the Shabath (7th) day, to keep it QadUWsha (set apart for salvation teachings by YAHUWAH).
You shall labour six days and do all your work, but the Seventh Day is QadUWsha. You shall labour six days and do all your work but the seventh day is The Pledged Day (ShabUWoth) to YAHUWAH The Almighty Eternal Loving YA Who Is Creating His Nation.
You must not do any non-life giving (non-life giving for life) work in it, not you, nor your son, nor your daughter and your male servant, nor your female servant, nor your livestock, nor your stranger who is within your gates, for in six YAoms, YAHUWAH made the ShamaYAim and the Earth and the sea and all that is in them but He rested the seventh YAom and therefore YAHUWAH blessed the Shabath-day (Seventh, Pledging day) and made it QadUWsha (Set Apart by YAHUWAH for salvation).
Honour your father and your mother in YAHUWAH that your YAoms (journeys with YAH) may be long in the land (AdamAH, or as The People of YAH) which YAHUWAH, Almighty Eternal Loving YA of All Creation, gives you.
You must not murderI MoshAH 2:5-8 (Genesis)
Do we have the right to end someone else or our own life?
Every single person born on this earth has the right to live! To be respected and who’s life should be protected at all cost.
When I was a child our government still followed YAHUWAH’s law regarding murder and people found guilty of murder was hanged. We had general respect for life back then and people or criminals would be very careful to respect life.
Ever since we joined the rest of the world and became signatories to the Human rights laws (humans are right) our country was plunged into a situation of corruption, murder, rape and robbery to degrees that we never knew before!!

“There are six things which YAHUWAH hates, yes, seven which are an abomination to him,
      Haughty eyes,
      A lying tongue,
      Hands that shed innocent blood,
      A heart that devices Wordless schemes
      Feet that are swift in running to mischief,
      A false witness who utters lies,
      He who sows discord among brothers. MashaliYA 6:16-19 (Proverbs)

What does YAHUWAH say about murder?

“If a man have committed intentional murder or attempted murder, or threaten the life of a woman he raped or sexually abused a child, these are sins worthy of death by hanging unless he repents from his heart. His life shall be determined by a public hearing with a jury of twelve citizens and if he be found guilty and repents not or refuses to make a Wordful restitution agreed to by his victim’s family, you shall give him one hour to repent before YAHUWAH and then hang him from a nearby tree or pole before sundown.
His body must not remain all night on that tree or pole but you shall surely bury him the same evening, for he who is Wordfully hanged (jury convicted for murder, intender murder, assault rape or child rape) is accursed forever from Almighty Eternal Loving YA of All Creation, so that you do not defile the People of YAH who YAHUWAH, Almighty Loving YA is Creating as His People. You are His eternal inheritance. V MoshAH 21:22 (Deuteronomy)

Let’s now look at the specifics:


“You shall not give any of your children, either born or unborn, to sacrifice to Molech, for thereby shall you profane the Name of Almighty Eternal Loving YA of all Creation for YAHUWAH I am.” III MoshAH 18:21 (Leviticus)

“I also will set My face against that person and will cut him off from amongst My People if he gives his seed to Molech, for he defiles My Set Apart worship and profanes My QadUWsha Name.”

“Hands that shed innocent blood.” MashaliYA 6:17 (Proverbs)

“Open your mouth for the cause of the suffering silent ones and for the cause of all who are desolate.” MashaliYA 31:8 (Proverbs)

If you want to read more on Molech worship go to: type in the word Molech abortion in Google and you will find some interesting material there.
Just remember if you have committed this crime!!! There is forgiveness with YAHUWAH, just go to Him and ask His Forgiveness from your heart.

Intentional murder

“He who strikes any man intentionally so that he dies shall surely be tried by a court of twelve and if found guilty, he must be hanged from a tree.” III MoshAH 24:17 (Leviticus)

“One who intentionally strikes a man so that he dies, he shall be tried with a jury of twelve persons. If they all find him guilty without doubt, he shall surely be put to death by hanging from a tree in front of others unless he repents and pledges to work in the place of him who he murdered and the family of his victim agrees to allow this. II MoshAH 21:12 (Exodus)

Premeditated murder

“But if a man schemes and comes intentionally on another to murder him, you shall immediately confine him away from My Faith filled Covenant-Keepers and bring witnesses against him and for him before a jury of twelve Nazar Bereith (Keepers of the Covenant). If he is found guilty without doubting, he must be executed within that day unless he repents sincerely from his heart before YAHUWAH and his victim’s family. Then, he must gladly serve the family of his victim for the rest of his life with his whole heart or he must be hung from a tree until he is dead. The family may also choose to send him away to a city of refuge or even to agree to write him a bill of forgiveness to set him free if the seven closest relatives to the victim agree to forgive him. If he refuses to serve them with a whole heart, he has not repented from his heart and may also be sold to anyone desiring a slave who can secure him and discipline him. Otherwise, he must be hung from a tree in that very day he publically refuses before a judge of YAsarel.

Any one who murders a second time, must be tried by twelve and if all agree, he must be hung from a tree until dead within that hour.” II MoshAH 21:14

Unintentional murder

“Yet if it is unintentionally, he must offer to replace the life he took with his work for seven (saba) years to the family of one killed or injured so that he cannot work. If they still seek to take his life after the sabath year, they must then all listen to the counsel of the Elders, that they be converted to The Way of Covenant Forgiveness. If he comes to you from among the Wordless or foreign-nations, I will appoint you a place where he shall flee to live in your land and no one shall be allowed to seek to execute or kidnap him there.” II MoshAH 21:13. (Exodus)


“Anyone who kidnaps and sells or seeks money for him or her, or even if he was a helping hand, he shall surely be put to death unless he repents and makes satisfactory restitution to that one he has offended and they write a Proclamation of Forgiveness. II MoshAH 21:16

Child rape

If anyone sexually warriors himself upon a child, girl or boy under twenty years old, they shall be tried by 12 Nazar Bereith citizens and if there is no one who doubts, they shall be hanged from a tree until dead that very day, for they shall be eternally dammed before Me. II MoshAH 21:16
Serious CRIME! Eternally Dammed!


“Any man who sexually wariors himself upon a woman, and he be convicted by confession or a jury of twelve, he shall pay a fine to the woman as the twelve shall determine. If that same man rape any woman the second time, he shall be tried by twelve and if all agree, and she forgives him not, he shall be hung from a tree until dead even that same day. If she agrees to forgive him, then he must pay a heavy fine as the twelve shall set.


In Afrikaans (my native language) we call it “selfmoord” directly translated means “self-murder.” This I think quite clearly describes what suicide actually is. You, deciding to murder yourself. Actually you just obey a suggestion, instruction of Shatan, he is the one that loves you dead, especially if you can commit murder in the same time.
So what rules do you think will apply? Intentional murder? I think so. The only difference is there is no human trial, only YAHUWAH’s trial.
But one thing is for sure, I’m glad YAHUWAH will be the judge of that. That is why I never respond if asked do you think someone who commits suicide will be lost. One thing I know, he will have a fair trial by a just YAHUWAH. I will however never take that chance! The risk is just too big, and besides there is always hope for a child of YAHUWAH, doesn’t matter what.

Emotional or soul’s murder, anger

“Yet I tell you even more about Wordless anger before it murders, for it comes from the pride in your heart.
Anyone who is angry to dividing himself from a Covenant Brother without a Wordful reason has killed his YAH given brotherhood with him in his heart! If he repents not, he shall be in danger of a severe judgement against himself. And whoever shall say to another near one, ‘I pray Almighty YAH destroy you’ (RacAH) is in serious danger of My Eternal Judgement.
Furthermore, whoever shall act in a way that means, ‘You are nothing’ as when one strikes another harshly as to kill him, he shall be sentenced to destruction in the eternal fire of Hennom (Gehenna) unless he repents from his heart and brings forth fruit showing his repentance. II MoshAH 21:15

Telling a person or a child; “you are good for nothing or you are worthless” Murder is not only committed with blood and death but can also be the soul or heart of someone you kill. Be careful this is a thing we do with our tongue and heart. It can easily happen! Watch out for PRIDE it is always a dangerous motive in life.

Unless he repents from his heart.

Did you note every time there is an option to repent from your heart. Do we serve a gracious and just Father YAHUWAH? I think so!!
Can people just go around and kill, kidnap and assault people without getting punished for it? No, I don’t think so.
Like I mentioned to you how Wordless actions escalated in our country since YAHUWAH’s laws has been exchanged for that of Shatan and his people. Every day in the media you see and hear about murder, rape, kidnaping and shootings ext.
Our law system has become so corrupt that justice is long not being maintained any more. Partiality in our courts, corruption is the name of the game. And believe me we are not the only country in the world where this is happening!!

This might have been a sombre teaching, but if we followed YAHUWAH’s commandments there would be a lot less broken hearts, tears and destruction around us. Shatan has come to steal, destroy and kill. So who is being followed, just have a look around you, it does not take much to figure that out! The LAWLESS one!
People will always have the choice to follow YAHUWAH or Shatan and his people. Till the day of the final Great white Throne judgement of The Most High YAHUWAH. Then all this chaos, confusion and lawlessness will be put to an end……for ever!

So what is the answer!!!! You must not MURDER!!!! Simple as that. Do unto other as you would like then to do unto you!

Please feel free to write me some comments.

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