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Wednesday 1 August 2012

COVENANT Teaching 7

Our cold winter has made a slight break and it was so nice to get out into the sun again. Hope you enjoyed your life since we talked last time.

So let’s see what the next part of the Covenant says. (Highlighted in yellow)

It starts with the words: YAHUWAH I am, The Almighty Eternal Loving YAH creating His People, who is continually delivering you out of the houses of bondage. Have no foreign gods (Elohim) before your face!
You must not make nor consume any contamination, nor make any image to worship, not of anything that is in the ShamaYAim above, or that is in the Earth beneath, or that is in the water under the Earth.
You must not bow (subjugate) yourself down to it, nor serve them, for I, YAHUWAH am your Almighty Loving YA of All Creation, I am The Only Almighty Eternal Loving One.
The fathers pass their sins on to their children, even to the third and fourth generation of those who ignore Me, yet I send loving invitations a thousand times to every person in every generation of those who seek to love Me and keep My MitsUWAH.
Do not treat My Name YAHUWAH, Almighty Eternal Loving YA of All Creation, as unimportant for I cannot hold him sinless who treats My Name as unimportant, for it is The First Gate of Salvation.
Remember the Shabath (7th) day, to keep it QadUWsha (set apart for salvation teachings by YAHUWAH).
You shall labour six days and do all your work, but the Seventh Day is QadUWsha. You shall labour six days and do all your work but the seventh day is The Pledged Day (ShabUWoth) to YAHUWAH The Almighty Eternal Loving YA Who Is Creating His Nation.
You must not do any non-life giving (non-life giving for life) work in it, not you, nor your son, nor your daughter and your male servant, nor your female servant, nor your livestock, nor your stranger who is within your gates, for in six YAoms, YAHUWAH made the ShamaYAim and the Earth and the sea and all that is in them but He rested the seventh YAom and therefore YAHUWAH blessed the Shabath-day (Seventh, Pledging day) and made it QadUWsha (Set Apart by YAHUWAH for salvation).” I MoshAH 2:5-7c (Genesis)

What Day

There is one thing for sure; Sunday is not the Shabath day. Sunday is sun worship day celebrated for centuries now and the first day of the week and not the 7th day. If you go into the history of the Gregorian calendar (Started by pope Gregory in the 13th century) that we use today you will also see that the original Calendar of YAHUWAH as given to ChanUWk (Enoch – chapter 72) is not followed but a false calendar that changed the times and works according to the moon (Lunar). The original Calendar of YAHUWAH is a Solar Calendar. You can also study the statements made by the Roman Catholic Church about their Sunday. You will find a few surprises if you think they don’t worship the sun (symbol of Lucifer).
This is just one of the sites, you can go and explore the rest:

The Shabath day

“And on the sixth day, they gathered twice as much mannAH, an average of two omers for each person and all the rulers of the Covenant-Family of YA came and reported to MoshAH. He said to them, “This is that which YAHUWAH has spoken, ‘Tomorrow is the day delightful rest, even the QadUWsha Shabath to YAHUWAH. Bake that which you want to bake and boil that which you want to boil and all that remains over lay up for yourselves to be kept until the morning for Shabath.”
They laid it up until the morning, just as MoshAH asked and it did not become foul, neither was there a single worm in it. MoshAH said, “Eat this today, for today is The QadUWsha Shabath established by YAHUWAH. On this day, you must not gather any mannAH in the field. Hereby, you shall know His Original Shabaths and honour them. You shall number your days according to My Calendar and keep My Shabaths and My Shabath Feasts.
Six days you shall gather it, but every seventh day is the Shabath of YAHUWAH. In it there shall be none, for you shall rest from your normal work and look upon My Word with your families.
However, on a Shabath day many days later, some of The People did not listen and secretly went out to gather and they found some food and ate it, but they became very ill and returned to their tents thinking they would die.
YAHUWAH said to MoshAH, “How long will some of your people refuse My Love and refuse to keep My MitsUWAH, My TorAH?
Listen to this, YAHUWAH has given you the Shabath to rest and to enjoy Him and learn His Word with each other and therefore He gives you on the sixth day the bread for two days. Yet some do not listen to Him through me so now, have everybody who sinned to stay in his own place and let them not go out of their home area on the Seventh-day until those people learn to honour the Shabath.” So The People rested on the Seventh-day.” II MoshAH 16:22-30. (Exodus)

The Shabath was clearly a day to be set apart from our normal work and duties and to rest and enjoy YAHUWAH, His Word and teach our families the Word of YAH! It was never intended to be a pain in the ass day where we have a million rules to obey like in the Talmud.

Did YAHUWshua and his men follow His Fathers Command?

“When the Shabath had come, He began to teach in the CAHal (Assembly of the Called of YAH) and many hearing Him were astonished, saying, “Where did this man get these things?” MarkUW 6:2.

“Yet they, passing on from PerAH, came to AntiochiYA of PisidiYA. They went into the CAHal (Assembly of the Called of YAH) on the Shabath YAom and sat down. After the reading of the Word of YAH (TorAH) and the Prophets of YA (NabiYA), the rulers of the CAHal sent to them, saying, “Brothers, if you have any word of exhortation for the people, please now speak.”

Is it important to keep it QadUWsha? (Set apart for salvation teaching)
“You shall keep the Shabath therefore, for it is QadUWsha to you. Everyone who profanes it shall surely be cast out from among you, for whoever does any work in it, that one shall be cast out from among My People.” II MoshAH 31:14.(Exodus)

If someone is healed or delivered on the Shabath, is it considered work?
“He entered again into the CAHal (Assembly of the Called of YAH) and there was a man there who had his hand withered. They watched Him whether He would heal him on the Shabath YAom that they might accuse Him. He said to the man who had his hand withered, “Stand up” He said to them, “Is it lawful on the Shabath YAom to do good or to do harm, to save a life or to kill life?” They were all silent.
When He had looked around at them with great passion, being grieved at the hardening of their heart, He said to the man, “Stretch out your hand.” He stretched it out and his hand was restored as healthy as the other.”MarkUW 3:1-5.

“So then, why should this woman, being a daughter of AbraAHam whom the Destroyer had bound eighteen long years, not be freed from this bondage on the Shabath YAom?”LukAH 13:16.

“Answering the Priets and the Pharisees, YAHUW said, “Is it lawful to heal on the Shabath?” They were silent, so He took him, healed him and then let him go. He then said to them, “Which of you, if your son or ox fell into a well, would not immediately pull him out on a Shabath YAom?”

By keeping the Shabath you also celebrate and honour YAHUWAH who created everything in six days and rested on the 7th. By honouring the Shabath as a Set Apart YAom of YAH you are confirming your believe in Him as the Creator of the Universe.
We can now go into a lot more detail regarding the Shabath but I think we get the message. It is listed as one of the FEAST days. So let it be a FEAST of loving and enjoying your YAHUWAH and family.
If you pledge to the Covenant of YAHUWAH you will also have to honour His Pledged Day. So if you follow YAHUWAH you cannot celebrate your Shabath on Sunday!!!

Last Word: REJOICE in YAHUWAH always. Again I will say, REJOICE.”
PhilippiYAans 4:4.

May you enjoy your Shabath day and rejoice in the great love He has for you and your children!!!!!

Please feel free to write me some comments.

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