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Wednesday 8 August 2012

COVENANT Teaching 8

I got up at 2:00 this morning to attend a Men of YAH webinar presented from the USA and I enjoyed it very much. I thought instead of getting back into bed at 6:30 I’ll rather make myself a coffee grab a few of my wife’s rusks and come and exchange a few thoughts with you.
I have raised two boys of my own. I’m very proud of them and it made me realize that although we are not perfect, our Fathers grace see us through and help us to get through at the end. It wasn’t always easy, didn’t always have all the answers but I had YAHUWAH to hold on to, my Perfect Father. Now I have three boys, how fortunate can a man be!!
My father was raised an orphan as his parents died when he was only 6 and 7 years old. He had a tough life as a kid but he did a great job raising me, my brother and sister. I will always be grateful to him and honour him for what he achieved and what he and my mom sacrificed to get us raised. As a matter of fact it is his 85th birthday today. Gonne give him a call just now. My mom died at the age of 65 and my dad was blessed to meet my stepmom and be given another chance at a happy marriage. Not a coincidence that this topic comes up on his birthday.

So let’s see what the next part of the Covenant says. (Highlighted in yellow)

It starts with the words: YAHUWAH I am, The Almighty Eternal Loving YAH creating His People, who is continually delivering you out of the houses of bondage. Have no foreign gods (Elohim) before your face!
You must not make nor consume any contamination, nor make any image to worship, not of anything that is in the ShamaYAim above, or that is in the Earth beneath, or that is in the water under the Earth.
You must not bow (subjugate) yourself down to it, nor serve them, for I, YAHUWAH am your Almighty Loving YA of All Creation, I am The Only Almighty Eternal Loving One.
The fathers pass their sins on to their children, even to the third and fourth generation of those who ignore Me, yet I send loving invitations a thousand times to every person in every generation of those who seek to love Me and keep My MitsUWAH.
Do not treat My Name YAHUWAH, Almighty Eternal Loving YA of All Creation, as unimportant for I cannot hold him sinless who treats My Name as unimportant, for it is The First Gate of Salvation.
Remember the Shabath (7th) day, to keep it QadUWsha (set apart for salvation teachings by YAHUWAH).
You shall labour six days and do all your work, but the Seventh Day is QadUWsha. You shall labour six days and do all your work but the seventh day is The Pledged Day (ShabUWoth) to YAHUWAH The Almighty Eternal Loving YA Who Is Creating His Nation.
You must not do any non-life giving (non-life giving for life) work in it, not you, nor your son, nor your daughter and your male servant, nor your female servant, nor your livestock, nor your stranger who is within your gates, for in six YAoms, YAHUWAH made the ShamaYAim and the Earth and the sea and all that is in them but He rested the seventh YAom and therefore YAHUWAH blessed the Shabath-day (Seventh, Pledging day) and made it QadUWsha (Set Apart by YAHUWAH for salvation).
Honour your father and your mother in YAHUWAH that your YAoms (journeys with YAH) may be long in the land (AdamAH, or as The People of YAH) which YAHUWAH, Almighty Eternal Loving YA of All Creation, gives you. ” I MoshAH 2:5-8 (Genesis)

Your father and mother

One thing is for sure, there is no perfect father and mother on earth. Yes, some get real close but we all have our flows and imperfections. If you havn’t raised children yet then let us speak again in 30 years time and I’m sure you will agree. But when we look at our Heavenly Father we look at the Perfect FATHER!
Your father and mother are greatly responsible that you are here on earth! If it wasn’t for them and Our Father in Heaven who Creates life, you would not have existed. We know that without YAHUWAH there is no life so I want to focus my attention now on your two earthly parents in flesh and blood.

Is it too much asked to honour the two people that brought you into this life? Just for that reason. You don’t have to accept the wordless deeds they have done to you. Tough question if you say to me ye, you don’t know what he did to me. You don’t understand the pain he or she caused me. Granted, my friend you may have a very good reason to hate them with all your heart. It breaks my heart to hear of so many people that have been molested or abused or whatever by their own parents!! Can I expect them to honour their parents? Good question, he! I read in the Covenant honour your father and mother in YAHUWAH. Can I draw the conclusion from this that parents that are not in YAHUWAH be dishonoured? Tough one, he. I can’t tell you for certain so I’ll just give you my humble opinion. I think it would be super spiritual or something to expect a child that was molested by his or her father for many years to say with a clear conscience I honour my parents. What I think we should however do is honour them for the fact that they were instrumental in bringing you into life. And very important I think we should forgive them from our heart for the sins committed to us. Remember that they will be judged fairly by YAHUWAH, so you don’t need to do that for Him. If you don’t forgive them your sins are not forgiven either, and that is a serious problem! Every person will be judged for his or her own decisions and works.
It is also important to show mercy, in many cases you will find that they (your parents) were abused themselves also, so they have just not find the way to get out of that bondage themselves and have just passed the sins of their fathers onto you.

So, to forever blame your circumstances on the sins of your parents will just not work either. Once you leave their home you have authority over your own life, so you can now decide to follow YAHUWAH your Master and King and subject your life and decisions to Him and His Covenant. Get up, yes, it was bad, but now it is YOUR responsibility to correct the iniquities of the past and live as a FREE child of the Most High.

That is the reason why you have a Perfect Father in YAHUWAH. He wants only the best for you, to love you, to take care of you, to forgive you ext. His RUWach is like a mother, speaking softly to you, loving you and teaching you the correct Way to follow.
If you become a YAHUWan you get some new family, the family of YAH. They will love you, respect you and teach you The Covenant of Life.

We know that according to The Word of YAH we are under the authority of our parents till 20 years of age. So while being younger we are under their covering.

Don’t repeat the iniquities of the past!

It is YOUR responsibility to choose right, to forgive and not to repeat to your children what was done to you. Well if you have already done that, it is never too late to start the process of healing and restoring relationships. Go to your children and ask their forgiveness for what you have done to them. You will be amazed what forgiveness can do. If people forgive it breaks Shatan’s hold that he has on people to keep them in bondage.
If they refuse to accept your forgiveness, then it will be on their heads.
Remember to forgive someone is not to say what they did is right! It means you set them free from your hatred and then only can your healing process start.

Believe me, many a murder, rape or anger would not have taken place if we are prepared to forgive. It lies at the core of most of the horrible things people commit. And the root of not doing it is PRIDE and AROGANCE! Remember this was the two main things that caused Shatan to fall and start sin in the world, so don’t follow his stupid ways, get out, get up and do what is right, good and honourable.


YAHUWAH says He disciplines those He loves, so should we. Discipline should always be done in love and never out of anger or selfish revenge.
A parent that discipline in love because he knows what is better for the child and teaches him to walk in The Way of YAHUWAH will always be respected, even sometimes only in later years when they have their own children.
Never be partial between your children. Treat them each as unique individuals with their own unique character and talents, and NEVER, NEVER compare them with each other. No two children are the same, so treat them each as individuals. Be consequent in the application of your principles and the most important thing is they will follow your EXAMPLE! So live according to the Covenant of Life, talk is cheap. If you don’t discipline yourself, how can you expect them to be disciplined?
Help them to discover what YAHUWAH has created them to be and encourage them on their way to adulthood. LOVE them, they are YOUR children and take responsibility for them. They are not someone else’s problem or blessing they are yours!

Remember if your child can not trust you with his life, his body and his future…..who can he? If the one that brought him into life doesn’t care about him, who will? That is why you will see that one of the strong Characteristics of our Father YAHUWAH is that He is TRUSTWORTHY!!! That is the reason I can ALWAYS highly recommend Him as your Father, He will never fail you! Even if you never had a father or mother, He will make up for it all.

So my dear friend I don’t have all the answers for you on all life’s questions. But I do know that to love, forgive and show mercy WORKS, because that is what YAHUWAH expects of us as His children. In practice, yes my dear friend I can personally vouch that it works!

A commandment with a promise

If you want to live a long and happy life!! Honour your father and your mother! They are your parents, they might not be the richest, most beautiful, smartest of them all, but they sure are the reason why you are here today! So honour them!!!!

Physical injury

“Anyone who physically strikes his father or mother with such violence so as to intend to kill them, unless they repent from their heart and pledge to the agreement of a repentant murderer, they shall be put to death after a trial and guilty verdict by twelve citizens.” II MoshAH 21:15.

“Anyone who curses his Wordful father or his Wordful mother shall surely be cast out from among you unless he repents from his heart.” II MoshAH 21:17.

Do you note there is always the option to repent? But physically assaulting your parents is seen in a very serious light just like murder!

Final note
Love them, even if they did the most horrific things to you and stop the bug with you. Don’t repeat their mistakes to your children. You will need lots of love, forgiveness, strength, courage and wisdom to do that, so ask your Father in heaven and He will gladly give it to you. Care for them when they become old, do not reject them, for you will receive your just reward.

Please feel free to write me some comments.

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