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Wednesday 6 June 2012

COVENANT Teaching 3

Winter has finally arrived here. But winter can also be good. It is now time to snug into those warm jackets, nice warm soups, stews and sitting in front of the fire place. There is also always something to be grateful for. To have a house to stay in and a warm bed is not to be taken for granted.

Let look at what we discover on our journey this week.

It starts with the words: YAHUWAH I am, The Almighty Eternal Loving YAH creating His People, who is continually delivering you out of the houses of bondage.” I MoshAH 2:5 (Genesis)

Created to be free!
Let’s first establish what was, is and shall always be YAHUWAH’s intention with us.
Do you think we are created to LIVE FREE or LIVE IN BONDAGE?

"Let no unbelieving man ever put you under his subjection" TitUW 2:15. (The Crown is YAHUW sn-Titus)

"You were bought with a price, so do not become bond servants of men. You are to be a free man, as YAHUWAH has redeemed you to be." I CorinthiYAns 7:23.

What would you say is the answer to the above question? A man or woman of YAHUWAH is destined to be living as FREE people. Only in subjection to Him and to Him alone.

What is meant by FREE in the contexts of His Word?

“YAHUW answered them, "Most assuredly I tell you, everyone who commits sin is the servant of sin.
A servant does not live in the master’s house. Yet ‘A Son of YAH’ lives in The House of The Master El YAH forever.
If therefore The Son of YAH makes you free, you will be free indeed.” YAHUWchanon 8:34-36 (sn-John)

From this section it can be seen that committing sin creates a bondage and not freedom!!!

“But now, being made free from useless rebellion against YAH and having become servants of Almighty Loving YA of All Creation you will have your fruit of being purified which results in Eternal Life.
For the wages of ignorance and rebellion against The Word is death, but the free gift of Almighty Loving YA of All Creation is Eternal Life through the Eternal Loving King of The Family in YAH, even YAHUWAH our Master.” RomaniYA 6:22-23.

But becoming a servant of YAHUWAH establishes your freedom from the bondage of sin through YAHUWAH our King (YAHUWshua). Because your sins have been forgiven and you received the RUWach from YAHUWAH to help you to sin no more. You will not desire to continue in your old habitual ways of sin. We realize one important thing here, it says THROUGH YAHUW!!! This brings us to the next important factor.

You need a REDEEMER
You need someone to bail you out, set you free and pay the price on your behalf. Like phoning someone to come and bail you out of jail because our sin brings the fair judgement of YAHUWAH over us just as the police would arrest you for murder.
Here is the GOOD NEWS!!! The Almighty Loving YAH of All Creation made a perfect plan to set you free from your bondage…..His One and only Son YAHUWshua (YAHUW our Salvation) who paid the price not in money but with His own BLOOD and made the one perfect sacrifice to redeem those that will choose Him as their Saviour and door to the Father.

“For if we have become united with Him in the likeness of His death, we will also be part of His resurrection. Knowing this, that our old unbelieving man (adam) was nailed to the execution pole with Him, that the body of sin might be done away with, so that we would no longer be in bondage to sin. For he who has died to sin has been freed from sin” RomaniYA 6:5-7.

Houses of Bondage
What brings us into bondage? We read it above – SIN.
You now go and sit somewhere in a quiet place and evaluate your life, and you will realize if you have not become united with Him you might still be living in serious bondage. His will to set you free remain, it is us that needs to bring every identified bondage to Him for redemption even after we made a covenant with Him we can still identify areas of our life that needs alignment with His precious Word for our own goodwill and freedom.

Just to get you going let us name a few that comes to mind. Anything that Shatan uses to prevent you from being the free man YAHUWAH created you to be.
Pornography, gambling, Drugs: Alcohol, Nicotine, Cocaine, LSD, including medical drugs,  prostitution, the love of money, to lend money you become someone’s slave.
To trust in man and all his pagan religions (Elohim) for salvation.
Junk food, coffee, sodas, sugar (You might think “Sugar”? well my wife and myself have recently realized that we cannot get rid of our cravings for sugar and had to confess and start dealing with it, for our bodies health sake)
Infidelity, adulatory, pride and arrogance, to name only a few.

We can divide them into two groups “Spiritual houses of bondage” and “Physical bodily bondages”
Being addicted to junk food or sugar might most probably not cost you your salvation but it sure will cause you a lot of trouble and illnesses that you can prevent by following YAHUWAH’s commandments to eat FOOD not junk.
Rebelling against YAHUWAH and rejecting His Sons sacrifice will definitely cause you to lose your chance to freedom and receiving eternal life and perish by the Great Judgement of YAH. The choice is YOURS!!


Next time we go further and explore the rest of His Covenant.
May you have a fabulous day! Greetings from Cape Town, South Africa.

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