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Saturday 30 June 2012

COVENANT Teaching 4

My apology for the time of silence. We visited a dear sister of us in VanWyks dorp in the Karoo and had a great time with her. We attended a friend of us son’s wedding in George. The wedding theme was medieval time and my lovely wife made some of the clothing for the wedding. She had a hard time getting me into bobby socks but for the sake of our friends son I agreed…. (I'm the one with the bobby socks as you can see). After the wedding we spent some time with lovely people at their drug and alcohol restoration center in George. We learned a lot from them and enjoyed the time with them very much. I will share some thoughts about that on this blog.

Let’s look at what we discover on our journey this week. We continue with His Covenant.

It starts with the words: YAHUWAH I am, The Almighty Eternal Loving YAH creating His People, who is continually delivering you out of the houses of bondage. Have no foreign gods (Elohim) before your face!
You must not make nor consume any contamination, nor make any image to worship, not of anything that is in the ShamaYAim above, or that is in the Earth beneath, or that is in the water under the Earth.
You must not bow (subjugate) yourself down to it, nor serve them, for I, YAHUWAH am your Almighty Loving YA of All Creation, I am The Only Almighty Eternal Loving One. …” I MoshAH 2:5-6a (Genesis)

What or who is FOREIGN GODS?
If we want to be realistic and apply plain common sense we need to say to each other that there can only be ONE God, One Creator and One in control of the universe.
It is now for you and me to decide who that One and Only One is!

Let’s get practical here and look at some principles. If I design and make a car or whatever, I am more superior in intelligence and ability than the car. Can the car ever claim to be superior to me if I made it? I don’t think so! Then if someone makes an idol how can an idol be there God. I think we can all agree that we humans are the most superior being on earth compered to everything else that was created. So if that is the case then the One that designed and created us must be way more intelligent and superior to us to be able to create such a sophisticated being. Were we created to be free beings, YES! Everyone on the face of the earth has the choice to believe in whom or what they see is right.

The biggest lie ever told to mankind is that they are gods themselves. How can you be your own creator? Even that computer screen you are staring at right now was created by someone!! How in the world can something so intelligent just happen. It is beyond the simplest logic.
The God I identified as my God is the one I quoted from above. You are free to choose Him or reject Him, I can’t tell you who to believe in and neither can you tell me. The most basic principle of AhabiYA (unselfish love of YA) is the freedom to choose! What you sow, you and you alone can reap. If you sow wheat you will reap wheat. Your decision will therefore determine your outcome and future.

Something created by you or were co-created by God can therefore not be your God. That is a foreign god (Elohim).

We are not to make nor consume any contamination.
This I think is pretty straight forward. One thing we must realize is that the Covenant and it’s applications were not written for YAHUWAH but for us. He knows what is best for us. Again if I created a Ferrari I will tell you not to go and 4x4 with it for surely you are going to mess it up big time. Am I arrogant by telling you that, no. I created that so I know what my intensions for it are. The choice then still rests with you, once you bought it and it becomes yours and also your responsibility to do with it whatever you want. So if I tell you to use unleaded petrol and you decide to use diesel it is your choice but also your RESULT that will follow.
Then how dear fellow people can’t we understand that if YAHUWAH created us, is He not entitled to tell us what He had in mind for us and what He knows will be good and healthy for us. I would think so!! See, again the choice to obey or not is with you.
If YAHUWAH in His Word tells us to eat FOOD that He created for our good health and we decide to eat stuff that was modified and messed up by so called clever people, or that is listed in His Word as contaminated. What do you think is going to happen? Did he tell us to make junk food, make cigarettes and smoke them, make drugs and consume it? So where does the responsibility rest? Only with you and me my friend!
You know what is the greatest audacity we as humans have? If we get sick, are in a motor accident and blame it on God. We are quick to follow the foreign gods and if things boomerang on us, we are quick to ask: Where is God?

One such a classic example of such audacity that comes to mind was when 9/11 happened in the USA the first thing people asked: “Where is God?” One wise woman stood up and said: “You pushed Him out of your government, out of your schools and out of your lives. He is a gentleman, He left, and now you ask: Where is God.” OUDASITY!!!

We can and do also make and consume contamination in our souls and spirit. There is hundreds of ways we can do this. Getting involved in false gods (Elohim). They teach you things that is not from YAHUWAH. Just one classic example, He made us to be YAish (man of YA) and ishAH (woman of YA) provided we are in Covenant with Him. He never intended or instructed two men or two women to be one.
Were we ever designed to murder each other? Not in His Manual!
Were we ever instructed to lust after another man’s wife? Not in His Manual.
You sleep with a prostitute, you not only contaminate your body but also your soul.

So all the pain and trauma that we experience on earth…..who’s responsible for that?
Yes, Shatan started it all by being the first one to rebel against YAHUWAH out of pride and arrogance. But YOU decide who you follow!!! The Light or the darkness. Just like the story of the Ferrari, you decide what you do with that which was given to you, therefore the outcome and result of your actions is also your responsibility, don’t blame it on someone else and least not on YA.

The Way to go
Yes my friend you might have had a bad start, being in foster care, having a drunk for a father, being molested by your uncle, what ever your painful experience was in your life, but it is only you that is going to decide to stop this tragic chain of events and turn your life around by taking responsibility for yourself and stop blaming all your misfortunes on everybody else.

You have the free choice to choose Life that is in YAHUWAH or death that is in Shatan.
You see my dear friend; YAHUWAH has set the stage for you and me to be receiving His love, His forgiveness and His care. We are the ones to decide whom we will follow and before whom do we bow ourselves.
But if you love Him……..then follow His commandments (Covenant) for He knows exactly what you need to be free, happy and have His peace.

Visiting our friends drug and alcohol restoration centre in George made me realize that you cannot exchange one drug for another, getting of cocaine and getting on anti-depressants and all those contaminations. There is only one solution, take responsibility of your life, your decisions and your future by following the right Way, The Way of YAHUWAH.

He loves you, wants you to be happy and wants you to enjoy all the goodness He created. If you go to Him, doesn’t matter what you have done till now, He will NEVER turn you away. But you cannot follow Him on your or Shatan’s rules.

My dream, prayers and vision for you is to experience YAHUWAH first hand. One thing I can guarantee: 

"Pledge yourself and walk in these, My MitsUWAH (Commandments of YAHUWAH) and My RUWach shall lead you to rejoice in The Way of Yasha YAHUW (the Saviour YAHUW) He will come in My Name for the forgiveness of your sins and lead you to Me. And I will reward you with Life Eternal." 1 MoshAH 2:9 (last part) (Genesis).

Next time we go further and explore the rest of His Covenant.
May you have a fabulous day! Greetings from Cape Town, South Africa.

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