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Thursday 31 August 2017

I can see clearly now...

Do you remember the old song....I can see clearly now the rain is gone...

I want to share with you a concept Father YAHUWAH shared with me this week.


The principle is actually very simple, if you want to drive your car with a dirty windscreen or packed with snow can you see where you're going? I guess not. Can you see the dangers on the road? Will you reach your destination safely?

So what do we need to be able to see clearly what is His will and where is He leading me provided you have decided to follow HIM? 

This all happens when you go into Covenant with Him and His Spirit (RUWach) comes and fills your hart. What His Spirit then does is to clear you conscious through His forgiveness after which you can now see clearly what is right and what is wrong according to Him. (When the Son has set you free, you are free indeed)

So in this process your spiritual window or eyes are cleaned so you can clearly see where to go, where are the potholes in the road ext. Then you realize lying is not acceptable, breaking your covenant with someone is wrong (like cheating on you wife or husband), stealing, ext.

Then only can you see where is He walking so that you can follow Him in and through His covenant commandments.

So what contaminate or dirty our windscreens......sin!

Remember the section of the Covenant " Do not manufacture nor consume for yourselves any contamination, nor any image to worship, not of anything that is in the ShamaYAim above, or that is in the Earth beneath, or that is in the water under the Earth."

There is two parts to this concept and we must not confuse the two!

First you are not to contaminate your body if you want to live a healthy life, go to the book of UwYAqara (Liviticus) and you will find all the clean and contaminated stuff. This is mend to be for bodily health! It has nothing to do with your salvation or spirit. Prostitution is also a contamination of your body and soul. But let us understand that eating pork will contaminate your body but will not contaminate your spirit, it will therefore not rob you of your salvation but can cause illnesses to your body and cause you to have a miserable life on earth.

Second you are not to contaminate your spirit! This has a direct influence on your salvation. Have you noticed demons in the scriptures are referred to as unclean spirits? So what do they contaminate? YOUR SPIRIT! Therefore if you sin or get involved with any form of demon activity by partaking in rituals, satanic worship, ext., you invite them in.

"Do not turn to those who are mediums nor to the wizards. Most are deceivers and the others are pledged to Shatan and his rebellion. Do not seek them out, lest you be defiled by them.....UwYAqara 19:31 (Lev).

Contamination of your spirit can also be transferred through your genes from your forefathers and impact your life. Make sure you ask Father for forgiveness even for the sins of your forefathers so their sins can not have an impact on your life. This is the sins of the Fathers transferred to the third or fourth generation. Do you wander why there is a pattern from one generation to the other in your family...abusers, alcoholics, suicide, depression...ext. (I'll tell you a bit more about that later in a personal testimony). Spiritual contamination will also place your body in bondage and cause various diseases in it, like the impact of fear on your body, constantly secreting cortisol causing cancers ext.

The wonderful GOOD NEWS is that we can come free from being contaminated spirits through the forgiveness of our Father that then come and clean your heart from all contamination.
Once your windscreen has been cleaned......you can see clearly now...the contaminations gone.......Then we are to keep those windscreens clean so we can see clearly and can distinguish between the works of Shatan through the flesh and that of our Father through His Spirit.

Be blessed family, keep the windscreen of your heart pure and clear. You will reap your Fathers blessings!


  1. Thank you for the good work you guys do.

  2. It is our pleasure! Your comments is appreciated.
