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Thursday 31 August 2017


Now lets look at the third gate to salvation.

This brings us to the last part of a contract or a covenant. Before a contract can come into existence you need two people that agree to a content (second gate) and then they confirm their commitment to it by both signing the contract into commitment.

They thereby say that both will stick to their agreement till the contract is fulfilled, with other words like in buying a car or house or what ever the parties agree by signing that they will pay all the instalments till the very LAST one to fulfill the provision of the contract.

It is therefore also written that "He who endures in faith to the end will be saved" (MatithYAHUW 10:22)

Any two parties to an agreement needs to be committed to the end unless by mutual agreement the terms are altered or the contract is terminated.

So if we go into Covenant with YAHUWAH we need to stay in it till we die for the Covenant to be fulfilled and the promises of eternal life with Him to be realized. Do remember that you are not forced to stay and that you can by your own free will decide to walk away from your covenant with Him. But do remember that if you walk away there is no Covenant any more and is His promises and assurances that He gave you also canceled. No salvation through YAHUWshua and no eternal life.

It is also written that if two have not decided to walk a road together they will not reach the destination.

One last note. By dividing the way to salvation into three gates does not say or replace the fact that there is just ONE DOOR and ONE WAY to the Father and that is through, YAHUWshua! The purpose is to let you understand the three components involved in salvation.

Hope you have a great day filled with love, joy and peace from our Father YAHUWAH.

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