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Monday 29 July 2019

“Merciful and gracious....”

Something to think about....long and hard!

"5 The Magnificence (Kabode) of YAHUWAH descended in a cloud and stood with him there and proclaimed The Name YAHUWAH!
6 The Magnificence passed before him proclaiming, “YAHUWAH! YAHUWAH! The merciful and gracious Almighty Eternal Loving YA of All Creation, He who is slow to anger and abundant in loving kindness and truth!
7 He gives loving kindness to thousands who repent and return, forgiving their Wordless ways, disobedience and Lawless deeds of the past! Yet He will by no means atone for those who continue to be rebellious, because their Lawlessness transmits by example the Lawlessness of their fathers into the lives of their children and on the children's children, even into the third and sometimes to the fourth generation!" II MoshAH  34:5-7 (sn-Exodus)

My dear friends this is not complicated….if you have children…you are responsible for their well being. Not somebody else, your parents, your friends or the State. Is that the truth….certainly yes.

So how can it be different for our Heavenly Father. He invites everyone on earth to become His child but if you don’t except His invitation you don’t become His child and He has no responsibility for or towards you. No forgiveness and no loving kindness becomes part of you because you decided to rebel against Him.

I can only witness what I have seen and experienced…what is written in these three verses above is the truth and nothing but the truth!

You choose for yourself! Life or death.

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